These dynocation still look almost like a normal one,
but with vibrant colors and a undeterminable
heritage/origin. Their color pattern is called "corrupt".


They can still function like a normal dyno.
but may be a little more sluggish.

These dynocation appear more feral,
their aggressive nature has made them
unsafe to be around.
Some parts of their body have faded colors.


They are easily aggitated and quick to attack.
Still within them is their memories and ability
to comprehend some concepts and ideas.

The dynocation has hit a critical level of corruption
and they've begun to actively suffer.
The colors have dulled and all that's left is strands
of what use to be.


These dynocation are incoherent.
They'll ramble about nothing intelligable to
the dynos around them. They'll also attack anyone
that comes too close to them.

The dyno has now reached a point of no return.
Having consumed so many nuclei, the dna has become corrupt.
They can no longer replicate and are in constant pain.
Their bodies are a dull stripey color and jagged in every direction.


They'll wander the landscape
in agony,
while screaming,
and crying,
and making various other horrifying noises.

The dna has degraded so much
now all that is left is a mindless blob.


Sluggishly move across the landscape,
eating everything in sight.